931 Jefferson Blvd Suite 1001 Warwick RI 02886

  1. Events
  2. Venues
  3. 931 Jefferson Blvd Suite 1001 Warwick RI 02886
Events at this venue

Kent County Prevention Coalition Meetings

931 Jefferson Blvd Suite 1001 Warwick RI 02886 None

The Kent County Prevention Coalition monthly meetings will take place at 3 PM at the Coastline EAP office (931 Jefferson Blvd Suite 1001 Warwick, RI).

Youth Driven Calendar Task Force Meeting (IN-PERSON)

931 Jefferson Blvd Suite 1001 Warwick RI 02886 None

Join us to help build the Youth Driven Calendar all about traffic safety! Questions? Please Contact: Lily O'toole at lotoole@risas.org or rwhite@risas.org.