
Over-the-Counter Does Not Mean On-the-Counter Campaign

RI Regional Prevention Coalitions, 2021 It’s too easy for your child or teen to access drugs left on kitchen or bathroom counters and medicine cabinets. The RI Regional Prevention Coalitions' Over-the-Counter Does Not Mean On-the-Counter campaign helps remind parents...

2020 Rhode Island Student Survey

BHDDH, RIDOH, RIDE, November 2021 The Rhode Island Student Survey (RISS) is a collaboration among the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (RI BHDDH), the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), and the Rhode...

Welcome to Teen World: A Guide for Parents

Rhode Island Regional Coalitions, 2021 Welcome to a teen’s world! The teen years are a period of intense growth, not only physically but emotionally and intellectually. So it’s completely understandable that, at times, parents may have feelings of confusion,...

2020 Rhode Island Young Adult Survey

Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH), 2020 The Rhode Island Young Adult Survey (RIYAS) was administered in 2020 to adults aged 18-25 years, residing in Rhode Island. The results of the 2020 RIYAS are...


Blackstone Valley Regional Prevention Coalition, May 2021 The Blackstone Valley Regional Prevention Coalition has developed an interactive media campaign that raises awareness about mental health and substance use. The #MENTALHEALTHMATTERSRI campaign focuses on...