Data Resources

Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19); What is the VA doing?

US Department of Veteran Affairs, 2020  VA has implemented an aggressive public health response to protect and care for Veterans, their families, health care providers, and staff in the face of this emerging health risk. We are working directly with the CDC and other...

Smoking Cessation; A Report of the Surgeon General

U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2020 This report was prepared by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the general direction of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health...

COVID-19 Resources for Prevention Providers

The Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we all are working to adjust to a new normal. This pandemic has presented us with numerous challenges such as transitioning to remote working, finding ways to adapt our work to...

State of Tobacco Control 2020

The American Lung Association, 2020 The 18th annual American Lung Association “State of Tobacco Control” report evaluates states and the federal government on actions taken to eliminate the nation’s leading cause of preventable death — tobacco use — and save lives...

Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020 Three decades after the first Surgeon General's report on smoking cessation, the Surgeon General has released a new report that reviews and updates evidence on the importance of quitting smoking. The report finds that...

2019 DEA National Drug Threat Assessment

Drug Enforcement Administration, December 2019 The 2019 NDTA is a comprehensive assessment of the threat posed to the United States by the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs. The report provides strategic analysis of the domestic drug situation during 2018, based...

2018 Rhode Island Student Survey Summary

BHDDH, RIDOH, RIDE, 2018 The Rhode Island Student Survey (RISS) is a collaboration among the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (RI BHDDH), the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), and the Rhode Island...