Tobacco / ENDS Products

State of Tobacco Control 2020

The American Lung Association, 2020 The 18th annual American Lung Association “State of Tobacco Control” report evaluates states and the federal government on actions taken to eliminate the nation’s leading cause of preventable death — tobacco use — and save lives...

State of Tobacco Control 2020

American Lung Association, January 2020 We know how to prevent tobacco use and help current smokers quit, but states and the federal government are not implementing these proven-effective, lifesaving laws and policies. The American Lung Association’s “State of Tobacco...

Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020 Three decades after the first Surgeon General's report on smoking cessation, the Surgeon General has released a new report that reviews and updates evidence on the importance of quitting smoking. The report finds that...

Smoke Free Media Guide

Reality Check, 2020 Television, movies, the Internet and other forms of media, offer the tobacco industry direct and sometimes unregulated access into teens’ daily lives. That’s why we’ve written this Smoke Free Media Guide for Reality Check (RC) coordinators, where...

This is Quitting

Tobacco Free Rhode Island, 2019 TFRI, in collaboration with Truth Initiative, is excited to be launching the This Is Quitting youth e-cigarette quit program here in Rhode Island. The program is now live and free to use. Youth can text "Hope4RI" to 88709 and begin...

Guia de Vapear: Vaping Guide in Spanish

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, 2019 La intención de esta guía es ayudarle a entender lo que es el vapeo, porqué atrae tanto a los jóvenes, y qué dice la investigación científica acerca de los riesgos y lo todavía desconocido, ya que no existen estudios de largo...

Model Policy Enforcing a Smoke-Free School

Tobacco Free Rhode Island, April 2019 With generous funding from CVS, Tobacco Free Rhode Island convened a year-long process of gathering stakeholders in an effort to create a recommended policy for Rhode Island Schools that would ensure compliance with the new...

RI PREVCON 2019 – TFRI Program Year in Review

Tobacco Free Rhode Island, 2019 This handout was used as part of a session presented at RI PREVCON 2019 titled Combating the Latest Trends in Tobacco. The document presents an overview of significant tobacco related policy measures, strategic development for TFRI,...