This resource created by SAMHSA, and specifically, its National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory (Policy Lab) provides evidence-based practices and service delivery models to prevent substance misuse and help people with substance use disorders (SUD);...
Tobacco / ENDS Products
Burden of Tobacco/Nicotine Use in Rhode Island
This resource from the Rhode Island Department of Health Tobacco Control Program highlights data and resources related to Rhode Island tobacco and nicotine burden, use, and quit support. Access the resource here.
RIDOH Menthol-Related Health Equity Short-Term Project
The Rhode Island Department of Health Tobacco Control Program (RITCP) is offering three (3) short-term project funding opportunities of up to $3,000 each to Rhode Island community/faith-based organizations. The organization(s) must be located or serving in Providence...
RI’s Flavored Vape Ban Updates
RI's flavored vape ban survives legal challenge for now. Here's what to know. Learn more here.
Tobacco Training Modules
Rhode Island has mandatory training for tobacco sales. In order to stay in compliance, the training modules are listed below and must be completed by those who hold the license to sell tobacco, and the employees of the establishments. There are two modules- license...
2022 Rhode Island Student Survey (RISS) Report
BHDDH, RIDOH, and RIDE, March 2023 The Rhode Island Student Survey (RISS) is a collaboration among the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (RI BHDDH), the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), and the Rhode...
Rhode Island Local Tobacco Control Ordinances and Policies
Tobacco Free Rhode Island, 2022 This archive contains city and town ordinances from around Rhode Island organized by policy topic and is in chronological order from oldest to newest dates. These are valuable resources for assessing the status of tobacco policies in...
Rhode Island Tobacco 21 Public Awareness Campaign
Tobacco Free Rhode Island, 2022 This Campaign was designed by Tobacco Free Rhode Island. It includes free resources for community partners to educate retailers about the tobacco sales age increase and resources for retailers to educate consumers. To access this...
Smokefree Policies in Multi-Unit Housing: Steps for Success
American Lung Association, 2022 The American Lung Association worked with experts around the United States to develop this online curriculum on how to implement a smokefree policy in multi-unit housing properties like apartments and condominiums. The resources used...
How to Help People Quit
American Lung Association, 2022 The American Lung Association’s How To Help People Quit training is a free, one-hour online course including four interactive learning modules designed to further enhance understanding of the Lung Association’s core beliefs about...