Health eKnowledge In this one-hour self-paced course, participants will: Review milestones in this history of prevention certification in Maine Review background that led to the development of the SAPST course Understand the structure and content of a University...
Substance Use Prevention/Mental Health Promotion
Early Childhood Development: Toxic Stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Health eKnowledge Those working with young children have long known the importance of early experiences and relationship in health child development. Newer terms such as toxic stress and ACES are used when describing these not-so-new ideas, and are particularly...
Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention: Understanding the Basics
Health eKnowledge This course provides a useful context for professionals new to substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion or in related fields. Regardless of the settings where you work, this information will help to prepare you to prevent substance...
Presentation slides from the 2019 New England Summer School of Addiction Studies Marijuana Policy Plenary session: The Evolution of State Cannabis Policies and Where Prevention Fits In
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network, October 2019 Presentation description: Cannabis laws and policies are rapidly changing in states. Various decriminalization, medical marijuana, and adult-use marijuana policies are being debated and moving through state...
The Varied Forms, Potency, and Health Effects of Today’s Cannabis
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network, October 2019 Slide banks for prevention professionals to use in marijuana prevention and education work in their communities. The purpose of these slide banks is to provide prevention providers with researched and vetted...
Marijuana and the Brain
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network, October 2019 Slide banks for prevention professionals to use in marijuana prevention and education work in their communities. The purpose of these slide banks is to provide prevention providers with researched and vetted...
Cannabis Glossary
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network, October 2019 There are many terms, slang words, and other nomenclatures related to marijuana. This glossary will help prevention professionals be more familiar with these terms, to aid in competency when discussing these...
Marijuana Myths and Facts
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network, October 2019 This information sheet covers 7 common myths or misunderstandings as related to marijuana. These include myths on addiction, impairment, and other health effects. Each of the 7 myths is countered with the...
An Approach to Evaluate the Effects of Concomitant Prescribing of Opioids and Benzodiazepines on Veteran Deaths and Suicides
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019 Responding to the concern about opioid and benzodiazepine use in the veteran population, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and...
2019 NPN Conference Presentations
National Prevention Network Conference, September 2019 Presentation materials from the 2019 NPN Conference have been posted to the conference website and can be accessed here.