
Roundtable on Obesity Solutions

The Institute of Medicine The Roundtable on Obesity Solutions presents a perspective series about disparities and inequities in physical activity. Within in the larger dialog about the role that physical activity has in the prevention and treatment of overweight and...

Chariho Task Force

Chariho Task Force Youth prevention activities around substance abuse prevention and education.  

Rhode Island Youth Suicide Prevention Project (RIYSPP)

The Rhode Island Youth Suicide Prevention Project (RIYSPP) The Rhode Island Youth Suicide Prevention Project (RIYSPP) is funded by a Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention grant. The grants are awarded to States, Native American tribes and institutions of higher...

Children’s Mental Health – New Report

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2013 The term childhood mental disorder means all mental disorders that can be diagnosed and begin in childhood (for example, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Tourette syndrome, behavior disorders, mood...