Prevention Providers & Educators

NIAAA For Middle School

NIAAA For Middle School: Underage drinking curriculum This webpage contains interactive activities to help parents, caregivers, and teachers introduce and reinforce key messages about peer pressure, resistance skills, and other important topics related to underage...

Getting the Facts About Underage Drinking

Getting the Facts About Underage Drinking: Underage drinking statistics Underage drinking is a serious public health problem in the United States. Alcohol is the most widely used substance among America’s youth and can cause them enormous health and safety risks. The...


Individuals who only need a 3-hour ethics course for certification renewal are encouraged to enroll in the self-paced online course. All courses | Home ( Select "Ethics in Prevention Foundations: A Guide for Substance Misuse Prevention...

Rhode Island Orientation Guide for Regional Prevention Task Forces

Rhode Island Prevention Resource Center, June 2024 The Rhode Island Orientation Guide for Regional Prevention Task Forces was designed as a basic reference for Municipal and Regional Prevention Task Force coordinators, members and staff, especially those who may be...

Tobacco Training Modules

Rhode Island has mandatory training for tobacco sales. In order to stay in compliance, the training modules are listed below and must be completed by those who hold the license to sell tobacco, and the employees of the establishments. There are two modules- license...

Person-Centered Recovery Planning: Consultation Corner

Person-Centered Recovery Planning: Consultation Corner Announcing a 6-month Consultation Corner on Person-Centered Recovery Planning (PCRP) facilitated by the New England and South Southwest MHTTCs. The Consultation Corner will feature a monthly webinar series on the...

URI Offers FREE Narcan training and Narcan

Learn how to reverse an overdose. Become a Community First Responder with our ten-minute certification module and receive free Narcan. We offer two ways to become certified as a Community First Responder and receive free naloxone (Narcan) by mail for Rhode Island...

Demystifying Medicine — Mental Health: Mechanisms and Crisis

April 9, 2024, 4:00 p.m. ET The next "Demystifying Medicine" will include complementary lectures on mental health and its intersection with alcohol use disorder. The speakers are former National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Director Thomas Insel, M.D., and...