Presentation by: Haner Hernandez, Ph.D., CPS, CADCII, LADCI New England School of Addiction Studies June 9, 2015
Private Resources
Rhode Island Drug Overdose Prevention and Rescue Coalition Notes
June 10th, 2015 2:00-3:30 PM
ENDS Training Presentation by Heidi Driscoll (SKPP) 5/28/2015
This presentation was given at the Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) training facilitated by the RIPRC on 5/28/2015.
ENDS Training Presentation by David Neill (USAG) 5/28/2015
This presentation was given at the Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) training facilitated by the RIPRC on 5/28/2015.
ENDS Training Presentation by Bette McHugh (BHDDH) 5/28/2015
This presentation was given at the Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) training facilitated by the RIPRC on 5/28/2015.
ENDS Training Presentation by Geri Guardino (HEALTH) 5/28/2015
This presentation was given at the Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) training facilitated by the RIPRC on 5/28/2015.
Smithfield Times Article
Article on the growing drug and alcohol problem locally.
Impact of Marijuana on Employers
Unitended consequences of marijuana use on employers
Clearing the Haze
Update on Marijuana from Colorado
M+R Webinar: Local Approaches to Addressing Health Promotion and Substance Use
Local Approaches to Addressing Health Promotion and Substance Use In this 2 hour webinar led by Lori Fresina and Diane Pickles of M+R, we will explore the decision-making policy structures available for local policy and how to get started on a local policy campaign....