

The RI Governor’s Council on Behavioral Health’s Prevention Advisory Committee is proud to host its first statewide prevention conference on January 10th, 2019 at the Community College of Rhode Island - Knight Campus. RI PREVCON 2019 will focus on best practices in...

Many Pathways to Recovery

*6 CEUs (SW, CD, MHC) When most people think about recovery from substance use or co-occurring disorders, they immediately assume what is needed is treatment and a 12 Step program. One of the fundamental principles of recovery-focused care is that there...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

*3 Nursing Contact Hours or 3 CEUs: (SW, CD) Nearly 100,000 newborns in the U.S. every year are exposed to heavy or binge drinking—the highest risk for FASDs—during their prenatal development. Alcohol and pregnancy education must be elevated to a higher public health...

Webinar: Part 2 – Community of Practice: Sustainability

Please save the date and register for this two-part virtual webinar series by CAPT. Participants will, as a Community of Practice, take a deeper dive on sustainability, exploring the key components used to sustain Rhode Island's prevention outcomes and share successes...

2018 New England School of Best Practices in Addiction Treatment

The 26th Anniversary New England School of Best Practices in Addiction Treatment will take place August 27- 30, 2018 in beautiful Waterville Valley, New Hampshire. If you have not yet registered or reviewed the program website, we encourage you to do so today...All...