This seminar is based on the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual developed by Patrick Reilly, Ph.D. and Michael Shopshire, Ph.D. for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/SAMHSA. The anger management treatment design that will be taught in this course has been...
Cutting-Edge Ethical Issues in Social Work
This training will provide participants with an in-depth examination of compelling ethical and risk-management challenges in social work. Frederic Reamer will explore high-risk ethical issues and practical strategies designed to protect clients and...
Marijuana: The Good, Bad and Not Known
This workshop, conducted by Mike Cerullo, LMHC, founding convener of What’s the Rush, RI? and a member of the Joint Legislative Commission to study Legalization of Marijuana for Recreational Use, will explore multiple facets of this complex issue including mental...
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Opioid abuse and addiction remains a critical national public health concern. This training will focus on addiction pharmacology for the care of clients with Opioid de-pendency. This includes medically supervised detoxification, as well as an under-standing of the...
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
This three- hour training will discuss the causes and epidemiology of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Participants will explore the assessment and management of an infant with NAS, transitions to community care, and the long-term effects of children with NAS. CEUs...
Applying ASAM Patient Placement Criteria to Determine Appropriate Level of Care
An overview of the criteria and guidelines used to assist in placing clients in addiction programs at the appropriate level of care. Participants will learn criteria to assist them in identifying factors that contribute to high risk/eminent danger to patients and...
Overview of Psychiatric Medications; Major Classes, Indication for Use & Side Effects
This training will focus on the major classes of psychiatric (psychotropic) medications that are commonly prescribed in the treatment of behavioral health & substance use disorder. It covers antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants, mood stabilizers &...
Moving Beyond the Silos: Creating a Continuum of Care Across Prevention, treatment, and Recovery
The silos that have existed for many years have frustrated service providers and hindered opportunities for sharing knowledge, fostering transitions in care, and developing useful collaborations. This workshop will provide a foundation for understanding and...
Understanding and Applying 42 CFR Part 2, HIPAA, and Other Relevant Confidentiality Statutes in an Era of Healthcare Reform
This workshop will provide participants with a detailed review of 42 CFR Part 2, and a summative overview of HIPAA and other relevant State and Federal confidentiality statutes and healthcare reporting/ data sharing mandates; with a special focus on the legal and...
Coming Into the Light: Breaking the Stigma of Substance Use Disorders
Stigma is a major barrier preventing millions of people who are struggling with substance use from entering treatment today. This presentation is designed to help professionals break that stigma that creates an unnecessary barrier to treatment by understanding...