
Suicide: Screening, Prevention, and Response

The Bradley Learning Exchange will be offering a 3 hour training on the evidence based Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) Screener. The C-SSRS supports suicide risk assessment through a series of simple, plain-language questions that anyone can ask. The...

Into the Fire: Understanding the Fire Service Culture

It takes a unique individual to be a firefighter. Most firefighters perform a job everyday that the average person cannot comprehend. This workshop is designed to provide the clinician with an overview of the fire service culture and understand the “rescuer...

Let’s Talk Mental Health

Please join BHDDH, DCYF, Veterans Affairs, Office of the Governor, and the Office of Health & Human Services for an important discussion about mental health. Please share your personal experiences and perspectives from across the state to raise awareness about...

2nd Annual Fatherhood Initiative Summit

Parent Support Network is sponsoring: RHODE ISLAND 2ND ANNUAL FATHERHOOD INITIATIVE SUPPORT SUMMIT Engaging Fathers to Build Strong Families and Communities Join the National Fatherhood Initiative along with  RI fathers, state policy makers,  and community agencies...

A Public Health Crisis – The Answer Is – Community Connection

Keep your calendar open for September 18, 2018 as the Town of East Greenwich, the East Greenwich Opioid Task Force, Youth to Youth, and the East Greenwich Rotary Club sponsor an important event that addresses Substance Abuse. The program will feature information,...

Let’s Talk Mental Health kick-off event

Please join HHS, BHDDH, and RIDOH for an important discussion about mental health in Rhode Island. Come share your personal thoughts, stories, experiences, and ideas with them as they travel across the state to raise awareness about mental health, addiction, and...

Psychiatric Medications for Children

To register, visit or call the Lifespan Community Health Institute at 401-444-8076. Admission is free, but enrollment is limited. Approval has been sought to award continuing education credits for social workers, teachers, DCYF, and child care...

Strategies to Help Children Who Struggle With Anxieties

To register, visit or call the Lifespan Community Health Institute at 401-444-8076. Admission is free, but enrollment is limited. Approval has been sought to award continuing education credits for social workers, teacher, and DCYF, and for...

Suicide and Faith: The Presence of Spirituality in the Darkness

The Interfaith Counseling Center, The First Baptist Church, and the East Greenwhich Opioid Task Force have joined together to offer this rich panel discussion about faith, spirituality, religion, and the devastating darkness of suicide. Join them to discuss the tools...